Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunshine in the Storm

Each day I hear more and more about the effects of the Earthquakes in Haiti. I see Twitters from my friends who are over there helping, blogs about the destruction, ads to raise support and television specials to bring us stories of the people there and the devastation that has taken place.

It's heartbreaking!

The pictures jerk at your heart and cause tears to swell up in your eyes. It's unimaginable for us here in the US to truly understand what these people are going through.

This picture shows hundreds, living in the streets. Away from the walls. In fear that another tremor will take their lives as well. Can you imagine living on the street because you're afraid that your house will collapse on you? I can't!

Now, with so much devastation you would think these people would give up. But the sunshine in this dark storm is they're not!

They are rebuilding with some awesome help.

They are finding Hope in all that's around them.

They are spreading their arms open to what is to come.

And that is beautiful! Not devastating or heartbreaking :)

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