Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Singing with a legend

So apparently I really need to brush up on my Gospel Music knowledge!

About a week ago, I was asked to sing in our NAMB chapel with a few co-workers for a Hall of Faith service. It was some big recognition and little ole me had no idea what the fuss was all about.

The auditorium was full of all these older men who were known for their evangelist endeavors over the past 50 some years. My co-workers were rattling off the names of these men and their roles and I'm pretty sure I was giving them a blank stare as I nodded my head in hopes that they wouldn't figure out that I had no clue who any of those men were.

Anywho, I began the service singing background vocals for this man named Bob Smith, who uses his musical talents to evangelize all over the world...Not going to lie, that's pretty awesome. Bob lead us through the lyrics of Onward Christian Soldiers and How Great Is Our God which then lead into the chorus of How Great Thou Art... and this is where the 'moment' took place.

A man, seated to my left on the stage stood up during the words 'Then sings my soul, My savior God to thee. How Great Thou Art. How Great Thou Art.' He walked to the mic and began to lead us in the song. Everyone in the audience had this look of sheer joy when he did this. Some where even crying. They sang their hearts out as this man lead them in the final words of How Great Thou Art. He had spoken during the service and I remembered people talking about him days before this event, but of course, I was naive as to why everyone was so excited about this man standing up and singing. Honestly I thought it was just because he was in his late 80's and he was still singing but that wasn't why. They referred to him as Cliff Barrows...which meant nothing to me at the time but soon would.

After the service was over, my co-worker Matthew said 'How does it feel to be a part of that historical moment?' I was so confused. Then another co-worker asked me the same question. Then a third. Utterly confused by this point but thoroughly intrigued, I walked to my desk and Googled the name Cliff Barrows.

This is what I found thanks to Wikipedia...

Clifford Burton Barrows (born April 6, 1923 in Ceres, California is the longtime music and program director for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He has been a part of the Graham organization since 1949. Barrows is best known as the host of Graham's weekly "Hour of Decision" radio program, and the song leader and choir director for the crusade meetings.

In 1988, Barrows was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tennessee by the Gospel Music Association. In 1996 he was also inducted into the Religious Broadcasting Hall of Fame by the National Religious Broadcasters.

That's pretty big deal!

So after I researched, I figured out that I got to sing background vocals with a man that has made history with his voice, his words and his love for Jesus along side people like Billy Graham. How awesome is that! I sang with a legend, WOW!

Here's my proof to show my kids one day, haha :)

"The Christian faith is a singing faith, and a good way to express it and share it with others is in community singing." ~ Cliff Barrows

1 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

to my dearest shannon,

i just read a comment you posted on my blog over the summer and it made me realize what an amazing friend I have in you. our friendship truly describes "as iron sharpens iron...." I just wanted to repay the gift you gave me in that comment by leaving you one on yours as well. Please be encouraged to keep writing. This blog has provided us both with such inspiration and encouragement, either through each other or other people. i love you and I'm praying for you and you know I'm here for you always!

love you!

p.s. i'll be singing bethany dillon's "dreamer" on sunday and be thinking of you :)