Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Impact the next generation

One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. ~ Chinese Proverb

I read this proverb this morning and it really got stuck in my head. You see, I had this vision of the kids today coming up behind me and how our influence will help them in the future. I mean, I guess I already knew that but after reading this proverb it got me to thinking about the question, "Are we really teaching these kids and young adults properly?"

I look at these dying churches and these run down programs and it makes me wonder if we're doing enough. I get so angry sometimes when I hear people talk about how their youth are trying to change the church by bringing in drums sets and loud guitars. How they're so rebellious because they have earrings and get tattoos. How they're disrespectful because they basically fall asleep during service.

Here's a thought... Stop only catering to the 80 year-old community in church and start reaching to the generation that still has a lot of life to live ... a generation that needs us to teach them the truth ... a generation that will be teaching my kids and your kids in only a matter of a few years.

Earrings and Tattoos have no effect on the way a person learns and grows. Listening to Rock music will not prevent someone from believing in Jesus. And as for the church service, I can understand and relate to these kids ... sometimes the language used by pastors and ministers is over my head and makes me sleepy at the first words spoken. It's hard to learn when you don't fully grasp what someone's saying. You have to relate!

My point ... Stop complaining that the kids are changing the church and start embracing the fact that church isn't how it used to be 40 years ago. Time to open your eyes and learn how to influence the ones who will carry on this religion for years to come!

So, plant the tree and watch them grow. And rest knowing that if we influence the youth of today, they'll influence the youth of tomorrow!

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