Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

What's a doodle

OK, so what I have learned is that some of the things that I grew up loving in North Carolina, some people have never heard of in other states and countries.

Let me tell you this funny story...

A few months back, a few friends and I were sitting up a Starbucks when I brought up the fact that I loved cheese doodles. I thought nothing of the conversation...I mean who doesn't love little puffy cheese snacks? I mean come on...they are amazing but, everyone looked confused. No one had heard of cheese doodles before, especially my friend Morgan. You see, Morgan is from New Zealand and I guess some of their words are different from ours. After a few moments of the confusing look, Morgan asked "You like what?" I responded with the words "Cheese Doodles."

I could see the embarrassed look on his face, so I asked what was he thinking about. Well, Morgan informed me that doodle in New Zealand is a term used for the male reproductive organ. WOW, I definitely was embarrassed, haha!! This whole time, Morgan thought I was saying that I liked Cheese "male" parts. How funny yet mortifying is that??

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So I dedicate this blog to Morgan with this picture to prove that cheese doodles in North Carolina are definitely puffy cheese snacks!!!

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