Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blessing them!

Sometimes we get so caught up in the world and the things we are trying to achieve that we forget to just stop and thank God for the little things that He has blessed us with. The things He continually blesses us with! We forget how blessed we really are.

I mean think about it...we are able to get up in the morning and take a warm shower, pick out an outfit from an array of clothing found in our closets, go to the kitchen and make some toast or spaghetti, invite friends over to our home for gatherings, sleep in a warm bed with warm blankets and sheets and for most of us, watch television or surf the Internet from the comfort of our own couch. Those are just a few of the many things we are provided each day.

Some people don't have those options. Some people wake up on a floor made of dirt with no blanklet and no pajamas. Their children have to drink water out of the local creek or for some, out of a ditch that looks like our sewers. Some people are dying from starvation and would give anything for that piece of toast that we have every morning. Their homes are the size of our walk in closets and for some families they have no homes.
It saddens me to think that our society, myself included, take so much for granted. We indulge in large portions at dinner and spend hundreds of dollars on material things just so we can have the latest fashion of jeans and that perfect shirt in every color. We complain about not having the right color scheme in our bedrooms and therefore forget we should be thankful just to be able to afford that comforter or pillow. Some people don't have that option.
I know that we often look at pictures and hear stories on the news about the poverty in the world and most of the time we just say a little prayer and go on with our day. I think it's time to stop giving 5 minutes of our day to think about these people and start doing something about their situation! That is why I believe strongly in organizations such as Compassion and World Vision. You can make a donation, sponsor a child and make a difference in someone's life! Why not give to the people who really need a warm bed and a hot meal.

Thank God repeatedly for what he has given you and then take some of that treasure and share it with those need to be blessed!

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