Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Operation Mayhem

I am sore, tired and still recovering but it was all worth it!
Yesterday was one of those events that seem impossible but is very much possible. We drove down Georgia yesterday for an event called Operation Mayhem. This church booked the Asphalt Assault tour, The Crabb Family, Thomas Young and Brock all for a jam packed day of BMX, skateboarding, music and magic. Now, this was no ordinary show for Brock! He did something he has never done at any event of his events before...a crane escape. Yea, that's right...CRANE ESCAPE!!
Three men tied Brock up in a straight jacket, placed him inside a wooden box and raised him 130 feet in the air. Frighten? Yes! Entertaining? Yes!
He did it! He escaped from a box in mid air, completely surrounded by thousands of people. When the box fell there was no Brock. Two seconds later he came riding in on motorcycle! If that isn't crazy, I'm not sure what is! You have to see it to believe it! Check out his myspace in the next few days because seeing is definitely believing and this is one thing you have to see!

1 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a ton of fun!! wish I could have seen that. hope you're doin well...miss you