Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, March 23, 2009

Things I don't quite understand...

...and honestly don't want to understand:

* Wearing Ugg boots with skirts. I mean seriously!

* Facebook applications. Is there any way to make those things stop?

* Why people like Katie Perry's music.

* Having a garage but parking in the driveway.

* I-Phone applications. Who really needs to be able to play drums on their cell phone?

* Why we still owe money at the end of the year for taxes. Don't we pay enough?

* Guys...and I don't think I ever will understand them!

* Why the work day starts at 8am and not 11am.

* Why Google doesn't have a to-do list lab.

* Why people can't be on time. It's really not that hard!

There are plenty more but we'll go with these for now!

What are some things you don't quite understand?

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