Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, June 27, 2008

Talk about amazing...

I often have moments where something will truly bothesr me and it effects the way I deal with everything around me. This past Wednesday night was one of those times! I had a lot on my mind and even though I seemed fine on the outside, I was hurting on the inside. But something happened that rocked my world....

I had this student in my seminars named Josh! He was one of the few that consistently sat at the front for every single lesson, focused on the words that God was speaking through Aaron and I.

Wednesday night as I was exiting the stage area, upset about a few things that had occurred that day, Josh was leaving the worship center in the crowded hallway. We crossed paths and he hugged me. He stepped back and said to me, "I know I'm going to Heaven!!" He had so much enthusiasm in his voice and he literally could have done cartwheels down the hall because he was so on fire for God. I could see God's love radiating off of him and he was so excited to share what he had experienced! It rocked my night!

I will never forget the look on his face or the energy that he had...and it was all because Jesus touched him! WOW

1 awesome remarks:

Britany said...

That is amazing! Josh was a pretty cool guy! Remember that first question that Aaron answered in the box last week about the True Love Waits... that was me. I just wanted to tell you that, and let you know that I feel so much better now. Thanks :)