Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bring it...

Well training has officially begun and in less than two days I'll been heading towards the Florida line to begin my work at SuperWOW camp for three weeks...how fun:)

As most of you know, I have been working at camps since the summer of 2002 and I've found this deep desire to be involved in helping to shape the hearts of young people. This summer I have the opportunity to work in a different way by leading seminars for the 11th and 12th grade students. When I was offered this position I was overjoyed and I had no fear about doing this. But over the past three weeks, I have developed a slight apprehension of this journey I am about to begin. I have this sense of not being enough and not being prepared enough...but someone said something this morning that helped. The words were, "We're never gonna be enough, but we don't have to be. God is enough and with Him by our side His glory will be revealed." WOW, talk about the perfect words for me to hear!

I am nervous but so excited about teaching this summer. I know that with God guiding me and with Him giving me the words, these teenagers will see the love of Christ! So bring on the challenges, the experiences, the laughter, the hardships, the worry....bring on camp!!!

As Scott put it "a summer at the beach loving on people for Jesus, what more could you ask for!"

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