Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A whirlwind of moments...

I have been on a whirlwind since Janis and Joey's Wedding and I apologize for not writing to the best of my ability. I have had my hands tied and my mind has been all over the place for the past week. I feel like the best way for me to explain it, is to show you some pictures! It all began on May 19...

Monday - My Birthday
Birthday fun at Loca Luna

Tuesday - Summer's First Tee-Ball game
She's got the best number and best color jersey ever!

Thursday - Nathan Angelo Concert @ The Vinyl
Nathan and I waiting for Nathan Angelo to play.
Finally all our waiting paid off

Friday - The Less Concert @ Hard Rock Cafe
Photobucket Photobucket
It's all about Rock N Rock, ha

Saturday - Summer Fun with Allie
We like taking pictures in the grass

Sunday - Babysitting
Coloring with Cashman
Ava in her princess dress! SO cute

Monday - Braves Game for the Birthday boy

I wish I had a picture for last night but I failed to capture the moment:( Last night I had an awesome time catching up with Nathan and my new found friend Drew Worsham over dinner at Eclipse Di Luna!

It's been such a great week!

1 awesome remarks:

Allie Marie Photography said...

I feel a 365 project in the making... :)