Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, May 09, 2008

Finger Paint Joy!

Why do you have to make things so difficult?
Why does every little piece of the puzzle have to be analyzed?
Can't something be simple for once or does it have be so complicated that not even yourself wants to figure it out?

Life IS hard and most of the time it's so mixed up that we don't know who we are or how we should react to everyday occurrences. We find comfort in hiding and in making ourselves believe that we're not worth it. We start to blend in and before we know it, we have secluded ourselves so much that we forget what life looks like outside of our tightly shut door.

Don't you want to laugh? Don't you want to see the sunshine that God created to warm your face and make you glow? When was the last time you weren't worrying about something? When was the last time you listened to your heart instead of your head?

You list out all the things that you "have" to do but, what about the list of things you "get" to do!

You get live free by the grace of God
You get to choose
You get to smile
You get to dance in the rain if you wish or lay in sun's golden rays
You get to wake up and face another day which could be filled with surprises
You get to see the beauty all around you
You get to taste and savor some amazing treats...

I could go on and on...but I won't! You know all this.

So before you start to analyze yet another Grey brush stoke in your solemn painting, pull your brush back and think about all the colors you could use. Add a little red or green or blue and watch the masterpiece, otherwise known as life unfold. I promise it will look better if you put down the worry brush and start to finger paint joy back in to your life!

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