Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Single Serving Friends

“This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time. If you wake up at a different time, at a different place, could you wake up as a different person? Everywhere I travel; tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pad of butter, the microwave cordon bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample packets of mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight; they are single-serving friends. Between take-off and landing we have our time together, that’s all we get.” ~ Fight Club

You see I watched Fight Club the other night for the first time(yes, I am known for being that girl that hasn't seen many great movies)... anywho when "the narrator" who obviously doesn't have a name in the movie but is basically Richard, was describing his travel style life as being single serving, it got me thinking about this theory.

You see for the last year and a half I've traveled all over the US and I've had the opportunity to meet some interesting people. I've been in countless airports, stayed in a variety of hotels and have been chauffeured from from one side of cities to the other side. I've enjoyed the individual packets of peanuts on the planes and ate more complimentary mints than I can remember all while crossing back and forth through time zones...Leaving one city at 7 AM and landing 5 hours later but it only being 9:00 AM, Sheesh:)

I try to sleep as much as possible on planes because I get figgidity but every so often I end up in the middle seat and I can't seem to get comfortable unless I want to snuggle up to a total stranger(not happening). Me and planes have a love/hate relationship! But travel leads to sparatic meetings. Meeting strangers and engaging in conversation...the only problem is one minute they're there and the next they're gone. Single serving friends! Some are interesting and make bus rides fly by. Others have this magical way of putting you to sleep just so you don't have to answer their question about molded cheese or cigarettes(yes I pretend to sleep alot). Nevertheless, these people add perspective and interest to life. Definitely makes travel a little more intriguing.

So, who has been your most interesting single serving friend?

1 awesome remarks:

p-stip said...

My most memorable single serving individual (despite the fact that i forgot her name) was a woman that i got to talk to on the way back from Canada. It was amazing to see how God works to reach his children. There was great conversations had and it was fun to be used by God. Well in brief, that is the most memorable, single serving friend.