Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, November 17, 2007

YS Day 3

Today was another full day of work at Youth Specialties. I feel as if I have talked to thousands of people about Vertical Ministries and our passion for reaching the lost. I think I finally understand why some speakers lose their voice after speaking at several events. Wes and I both woke up with scratchy throats today.

The Superwow booth decided to display the Georgia/Kentucky game today during our break. It was so much fun to just sit and watch football with friends, especially considering we were in the middle of a HUGE congress center, ha! It was great. Family Force 5 played at the late night session tonight and we rocked out with them to top off our wonderful day.

I've had so much fun this weekend and I'm a little sad that tomorrow is the last day!

Here is a picture of our booth...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Pretty nice, huh?

1 awesome remarks:

kelli beth said...

man, i wish i could have been there! sounds like it has been a blast!! your booth looks great!!! see you in a few days! :)