Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Celebrating, Tennessee style

I ate way too much food!

The past two days have been so amazing between the food and the fellowship! On Thursday our whole group prepared a feast which included everything from turkey to cranberry sauce. We went all out and let me say, "It was absolutely delicious!"

We had quite the gathering as well. So far I've seen Manwell, Pablo, Blanca, Jonathan, Kelly, Amber, Clay, Kara, Steffy, Kyle, Lucas, Brock, Auny + all my roomies. The fun doesn't stop there! Today Kristen and Matt are coming into town for another fun filled day.It's always so great when all your friends come to town to celebrate the holidays!!

I have so many funny stories like dancing to Group 1 Crew around the bonfire to breaking and cutting down limbs for the fire... I'll just show you some of the moments!

This was the amazing spread we had. Look at all that food!
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Jonathan and Brock trying to break that limb. We had to get the saw out on that one.
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Don't we look cute by the fire and all in our vests, ha!
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I'll have more tomorrow! How was your Thanksgiving???

1 awesome remarks:

Barbara said...

it really looks very funny. that's how celebrations has to be.