Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lemony sweet!

Sometimes life throws you lemons but sometimes it throws you cupcakes :)

Life has a funny way of surprising you when you least expect it! Late last week, I was dealing with a situation, one that was frustrating and left me hurt. I've been lied to a few too many times in my life, but this one shouldn't have happened and I let it! Betrayal and resentment filled my heart and mind. But you know what...even though one part of my life was sour because of lemons being thrown, the other side was sweet. The part of me that has learned to forgive and to love even when it's hard took over. My faith, my friendships, my desires and my exciting opportunities allowed me to take those lemons, those sour thoughts and make lemon cupcakes...with white frosting of course!

There's no point in being a sour patch kid!

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