Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stage Presence

So a couple of weeks ago Wes(my co-worker) and I went to an event down in Atlanta called Youth Specialties! I'm sure that I wrote a blog about it already, so if you already knew I went this comes as no surprise!

Anyway while we were there, we saw some amazing concerts and hung out with some amazing people. One thing we were both fascinated with was the stage set up. It was incredible...so I wanted to share it with you!

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I know that it may seem dumb to be fascinated with this but I guess my job has taught me to look at things like this, haha!

1 awesome remarks:

kelli beth said...

i too am fascinated by this stuff...and working superwow stuff, i'm forever tainted...i can't go to any event with production stuff going on and not critique their lights, media, set up....haha!