Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Stanford Freedom Experience

All I can say is WOW! Three days and three nights of working hard and not sleeping doesn't sound like much fun, but it is and so worth it! Tonight was the last night of our first FX for 2007. It was an amazing tour stop and we saw close to 2500 people or more over the course of the three days. God moved and He moved big!
I'm not sure what the final was for decisions made this week was but I'm pretty sure it was over 200. You could stand back and watch the people of this town absorb the love of God.
Our whole staff, performers and all we amazed at the response we saw and we are counting down the days till the next tour stop.

Here are some pictures from this week...

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1 awesome remarks:

kelli beth said...

so glad we're officially friends now!! also glad that you got to be a part of the snake experience!!!! :)

...and i hope FX comes to FL this year....it sounds like you all are off to an amazing start. i know that God is going to continue to do incredible works through the ministry!

have fun in the big atl...wish i could be there having fun with you all!!!! :)