Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, August 20, 2007

FX Night One

So I'm in Kentucky and tonight was the first night of Freedom Experience 2007. Let me tell you, the devil tried everything he could tonight to stop the event from happening. I'll give you two examples...

First, pne minute before the show was about to start, the power went out in the enitre school causing the stage and gym to go black The soundboard and equipment powered off and it was scrabble to fix the problem.
Second, right before the big illusion of the night was about to happening, the laptop where the music was playing from quit working. As some people know, Brock's show has lots of sound cues and most of the illusions run along side the music. What a fiasco that occured.

Although there were some setbacks, everything the devil threw our way, was taking and wrapped by the love of God. His word was to be shared and nothing, and I do mean nothing will stop us from loving on the people in Stanford, KY! We are here tell these people about a powerful God that will change lives and heal the broken.

The devil probably has a few more tricks up his sleeve but our team and hearts are ready, so bring it on!

1 awesome remarks:

Barbara said...

good prevails over evil.
and God is with you. He will never be appart.

el bien prebalece sobre el mal.
y Dios esta contigo. El nunca se separará.