Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, December 24, 2006

So Happy

Have you ever been in the city too long and when you finally come home you realize all the things you miss.
Last night I got home from my aunt's house and I was standing outside at my dog's pen. When I looked up, oh my goodness, the most beautiful sight I had seen in a while was before me. You see I live in the country and there are no city lights around to block the beauty I saw last night. When I looked up, there it was, a sky full of stars. You could see every constellation and when a star shot across the sky, there was no mistaking it! This is one thing that I miss about living at home.
While I was sitting out there with my puppies I realized that sometimes I should stop and look around more. I should take deep breaths and listen to the things around me. It was kind of chilly last night and it reminded me of so many things. High School memories all the way through some of my college days. It was one of those times where you reminisce. I sat there and thought about the things I want in life and the things I have already recieved. I have been truly blessed beyond measure. What a great moment... It was just the perfect ending to a perfect day!!

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