Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, April 09, 2007

YaY for Easter Fun

So here in Nashville, people are miles and miles away from home! So we decided to celebrate Easter as a Nashville family...and it was a blast. We started this amazing day off with Church to give praise to our Heavenly Father, the One who died and rose again. He conquered death to save us from our sins! Our church is so amazing. You can feel the presence of God when you walk in the door. We have such an amazing community who loves the Lord.

After church about 16 of us piled in our cars and headed over to our favorite hangout, Brock and Auny's! Brock cooked an amazing turkey, while the rest of us brought sides and desserts! We seriously had a buffet like a Southern Baptist Church pot luck dinner. What a site. Oh and me being the fat kid I am, I had seconds...and thirds:)

After lunch we had, are you ready this....An Easter Egg Hunt! I hadn't been to one of those since church when I was 9. I know, I know, SAD! This hunt was a little different. Each egg had a number. Each number represented something fun that we had to do. I won a date with Simon...I told him to play hard to get to make it interesting, haha! Emily has to wash Mallori's car, Mallori gets to pick lunch after church on Sunday and Stephanie won a ride on the Harley! So much fun.

The day continued on with watching Talledaga Nights and an episode of BS followed by a bonfire and smores! It was the ultimate way to spend Easter... I am so thankful for the friends I have made here!
How did you spend your Easter?

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