Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Is It Working?

This morning, as I was sitting in church listening to our visitor for the week, I began to think about my relationship with God. Thoughts were running through my head, like... Is my relationship strong enough? Do I do all the things I am supposed to? Do I spend enough time building my relationship? The answer to everything I thought about was NO! Imagine that, I'm not trying hard enough. I knew that but it never really hit me until today.
Our guest speaker this morning was Phil Joel from the Newsboys. He went through this same thing 6 years ago. He preached a sermon this morning about "Is it working?" Is what we are doing in our life bringing us closer to God and if not what do we do about it. He wrote a song and the lyrics spoke to me. They said something like this "Time alone with you is where you unfold all your mysteries." That is so true. Day after day God longs for an close relationship with me and I disregard it. Well no more! No more will I let the ways of the world distract me from what is truly important. No more will I rush off without spending an ample amount of time with God. No more will I let my Father want a relationship but not receive it. No more....No more! It's time for a change and the time is now...Do you have a close relationship with God?

1 awesome remarks:

punkcowgirlbetsy said...

Amen to that. I totally agree that all of us could be doing something more in our relationship with Christ. I love you!