Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge in July

So, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I've decided to take on yet another challenge... but this one is all about me. For the next 30 days, you're going to learn a little more about me through pictures and stories :) July is going to become an interesting read for some of you!!

Here's what you have to look forward to...

Day 01 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.
Day 02 - A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.
Day 03 - A Picture of the Cast from Your Favorite Show.
Day 04 - A Picture of Your Favorite Memory
Day 05 - A Picture of Your Night
Day 06 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush
Day 08 - A Picture that makes you Laugh
Day 09 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten You through the most
Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with
Day 11 - A Picture of something You Hate
Day 12 - A Picture of something You Love
Day 13 - A Picture of someone You Miss
Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You could never Imagine Your Life without
Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die
Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You
Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Day 18 - A Picture of You're Least Favorite Trait
Day 19 - A Picture of a habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel
Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget
Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at
Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book
Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change
Day 25 - A Picture of Your Day
Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot to You
Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member
Day 28 - A Picture of Something That Always Makes Your Day
Day 29 - A Picture that Can Always Make You Smile
Day 30 - A Picture that Describes You Perfectly

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How can you teach service?

I haven't really written in a while! You know, the kind of writing that makes you think and gets your creative juices flowing. The kind of writing that makes you stop and go 'huh, I never thought of it that way!' Hopefully that's what this blog post will do for you!

I got into a conversation this past Sunday about teaching. Now, the person I was talking may not realize that I got 'teaching' out of our convo but I did. Here's a thought to ponder...

If you don't teach your child to truly know what service is, do you think that they will grow up to have a servant's heart?

Now, I know that's kind of deep for midnight on a Tuesday but I can't shake this thought. You see, I meet students often and have since I was about 19 years old. I've observed them, hung out with them and even taught them, and one thing that I wonder is 'will they ever know what it means to put someone else first?'

Now, if you've kept up with my blog over the past 5 years, you've probably heard me mentioned a little place called Caswell. A small island off the coast of North Carolina that holds a large piece of my heart. It was there that I learned what it meant to serve. What it meant to truly put someone else before my wants, my needs, my 'gotta haves.' At Caswell, that's what you did... you served! You scrub showers and toilets. You serve mystery meat to over a 1000 students and chaperons. You pull weeds and cut grass in 100 degree weather. You wake up at dawn and got to bed after midnight all so that those students and chaperons can experience a truly unforgettable time with God. The best part is they see God through the acts service. Crazy how that happens huh?

This concept was huge for me growing! HUGE... and it's something that I feel is lacking in the Buckhead area. I don't feel like these students know what true service. How to take a step back away from the 'me me me' and they learn how to 'serve serve serve.'

Any suggestions on how to teach service?

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tattooed Across my Foot

Most of the time I find myself writing the most when changes happen in my life. I guess that's when I feel the most vulnerable and my mind spurs these sharable thoughts and feelings. I find myself awake at night and of course the one place I end up is on my blog. Funny how that happens!

I went back tonight and read my very first blog post. It was written on October 23, 2006. I was on my very first Freedom Experience tour with Brock Gill, Eleventyseven, Group 1 Crew, Tim Bryne and Outkast BMX. I can't even begin to type all the memories that just flooded my mind :)

Reading through that post and remembering that moment it made me stop and made me realize how far I've come since that day... How much I have learned... How many awesome people I've met. How many barriers I've jumped and challenges I've overcome. It's been incredible.

I say all that because after almost 5 years, my time in that ministry has come to an end. It's sad...it's super sad and I can't even say it's bittersweet because I'm gonna miss it so much. I can't find the sweet in leaving it. I'm gonna miss the people, the events, the crazy emails from crazy hosts, the questions about conduit and poster board, learning the secrets behind magic, trying new foods with Brock and Auny, experiencing new places, overcoming challenges with venues, audience members, parents and even rude pastors like Dan. Oh Dan, how you changed our lives and our trip to Disney forever haha :)

What an awesome few years! Thank you Brock & Auny for giving a small town North Carolina girl a chance to branch out and take a risk. Best risk I've ever taken! I'll never forget it. I can't... I have it tattooed across my foot :)