Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, February 01, 2010

Shannon/?... Who will be my Julia

Have you guys seen the movie Julie/Julia?

Good movie! Especially if you like food :)

After watching it, I started thinking 'Should I write a blog like Julie?' and if so 'Who would be my Julia?'

I could write about food but I feel like I wouldn't get very far with that considering most of the time food is last on my list. I mean, I could write I could write about foods I love and places I like to eat but I'm not sure how interesting that would be. it would sound something like this...

Went to Flip Burger the other night and had the most amazing Turkey Burger ever. It was covered in sprouts, avocado and pomegranate ketchup. A little taste of Heaven. Served with a side of Zucchini fries and a Nutella and Burnt Marsh Mellow shake. DIVINE!

That would be the gist of my writing for food. Whatcha think? Would you want to read 365 days of that? Hmmmm... not sure I would.

So what could I write about? Music...Work...Church...Sleep?

Give me your thoughts!

3 awesome remarks:

kevinjames said...

Write about yourself. I mean, the only reason I read your blog is to learn more about you. Shannon/Shannon


Anonymous said...

i'm with kevin on this one! i couldn't have said it better. weird thing is i dreamed about your blog last night...
love you.

Shannon said...

Awww, you two are amazing! Love you both :)