Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, July 23, 2010

Conversation starters

You know when you're chatting with someone and you're trying to learn more about them you ask them all sorts of questions? Most are random questions but let's be honest, the random ones definitely start some good conversation! People do that to me a lot and the sad part is, I never have good answers for them.

For example, people all the time ask me... So what's you're favorite band / movie?

My response... Ummm I don't really have one. I love so many artists that it's hard for me to choose and movies well I have a ton of favorites but not one particular one that I can place in the all time favorite category. Fail! That gave them nothing about me that they could relate to.

Next question... So where do you live?

My response... Well I technically live in Atlanta because I'm inside the Perimeter(ITP what, what) but I'm right in between Sandy Springs and Buckhead. It's like in that general area. Right! Okay cool.

Moving on... What do you do for a living?

Me... Well I have three jobs technically... I am an advancing manager for BGI and RYC Ministries. It's basic contract work for both. And then I also work for the North American Mission Board assisting with Project Management, Media Services and overall Communication projects. Okay cool. And then they immediately check out of the conversation.

I think I'm just a little too complicated to talk to haha... either that or i really need to just work on my answers. Next time I'm going to have 3 default answers....
Favorite band/movie? - Journey/Anchorman
Where do you live? - Georgia near Atlanta
What do you do for a living? - I work :)

There you go... that should get the conversation rolling ha!