Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, July 08, 2011

Day 8 - A Picture that makes you Laugh

So, there are multiple photos that make me laugh. I could probably put together an entire album just dedicated to funny pictures. Hmmmm, maybe I'll do that in my spare time.

Anyway, the photo to the left is the one I'm choosing for this post. I mean seriously, if you can look at this picture and not laugh at the face Kevin is making, I commend you. I can not! I am actually giggling right now because I'm having to write this post while the picture is just chilling... staring at me... taunting me and every time I look over I bust out in to giggles. Hahaha!

This picture was taken in NY at Kevin's cousin's wedding. I won a table arrangement in one of the games we played and I was super excited. That's why I am smiling. Kevin, on the other hand, well I'm not sure what emotion he was expressing, hahaha :)

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