This is Jenni! We met in elementary school and we've been friends ever since. I'm pretty sure aside from my brother and my parents, Jenni has been in my life the longest. We've been through a lot together ... good times, sad times and times that we never thought we'd make it through ... but we managed to sing our way through them ... literally.
I'm pretty sure our bond grew from classmates to best friends the day we sang Disney tunes in the back of a bus on our way to a field trip in 3rd grade! I mean all bonds should start with singing 'A Whole New World' from Aladdin, right? :)
Jenni is the reason I sing. She is the reason I know about Church and she played a huge role in me being a Christian. We both hold a place in our hearts for a little fort that forever changed our paths ... Caswell! It was here that we learned so, so much. I love her and always will!

Caswell... back in 1997! We both had long hair back then.
Ah, the memories!
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