Hmmm ... this is tough one!
I can't really think of someone that I would want to trade places with for a day. I mean I can, but it would depend on a ton of circumstances. Like, I'd love to trade places with Reese Witherspoon because she has a ton of money and she's famous. I'd love to trade places with Melissa Beard because she lives in NYC and works in Manhattan. I'd love to trade places that size zero girl that passed me in the mall the other day eating Oreo ice cream with extra Oreos... just because she's tiny and she's indulging in some serious deliciousness!
You see, there are circumstances and reasons why I would want to trade places but for the purpose of my blog, I will post a picture of one person I'd like to trade places with for a day... but it'll have to be on a Sunday when we make the trade!

Yep... for those of you who attend Buckhead Church, North Point Community Church or any of the strategic partner churches from Tennessee down to Florida, I'm sure you recognize this awesome lady! For those of you who don't, meet Chrystina Fincher. She is absolutely amazing! I met her about 4 years ago while working with Brock in Panama City Beach, FL at BigStuf Camps. I can honestly say, I liked her from the start. She was so kind and so inviting to a girl who just starting on the road and was away from home.
Now, the reason I'd love to trade places with her... specifically on a Sunday is because Chrystina can sing like noboby's business. She's incredible and each week she gets to walk on a stage and sing worship music for thousands of people. That would be something I'd be willing to trade a day to do!
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