People have all sorts of outlets when it comes to how they release anger, aggression, depression.
Does that make sense?
They need a moment, a night, a day to think about it... figure out their game plan and get back to you. Complete opposite of me!
I've always needed immediate answers...immediate resolutions. I'm not a fan of someone having an issue with me so all throughout my life I have worked on ways to deal with these kinds of opposition. Up until this point, I've been pretty successful. But I think I've met my match and I'm a having a really hard time transitioning out of my secure outlet and respect theirs.
Does anyone have any pointers on how to deal with someone who doesn't think the way you do when it comes to conflict?
Dumb question, I know but I'm serious. Is there a learning method that could be taught to me so I could stop worrying myself sick and start embracing the challenges head on?
Please advise.
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