New Orleans is decorated with an array of purples, golds, blues and pretty much any color you could think of! And no, I'm not talking about paint... I'm talking about BEADS.
Almost anywhere you look, there are beads. In the trees, hanging on power lines, wrapped around balcony rails, laying in the curbs... they are literally everywhere! We took a walk through Tulane University and there are beads hanging from their trees. I'm pretty sure New Orleans needs to adopt beads as their city Mascot! Oh wait... did they already do that?
Anyway, we went to a Halloween parade while we were there and instead of the ghosts and goblins throwing out candy, they threw out beads. Sheesh, I should have known, ha! I think between Kevin and I, we caught around 30 strands along with 3 cups, 1 pen, a flower and partridge in a pear tree. Just kidding about that last one, of course, ha!
Okay... enough with the beads!
We walked around the city on Saturday checking out everything from Jackson Square to Bourbon Street. There were art vendors, an awesome market, silver people (I think they were mimes), and tons of (intoxicated)people dressed up for Halloween. We also checked out some of the graveyards in the area since New Orleans is on the Top Ten Haunted Cities list. Luckily I didn't see any ghosts, or shadow people as the Bert Show likes to call them.
Here's a few pictures for you...

Bourbon Street was packed and it wasn't even 4 o' clock yet!
I love the balconies! I must have one... for my house, of course. Not just to carry around in my car or sit at the end of my driveway. Just clarifying!

Jackson Square

Did you know that the graveyards in New Orleans are all above ground? Me either. That was a fun little fact I found out.

We even had time to find the Real World house from this past season (24th season). I looked for Ryan and luckily that crazy guy wasn't there!
The trip was a success! I ate lots of food, listened to some great music, saw lots of sites and even brought back a souvenir! New Orleans, I will be back!
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