I've always had some what of a bucket list for the things I want to do in my life time. The list grows more and more each day and I will say that it is quite lengthy already. This list consists of places I want to go, things I want to see and experiences I want to be a part of... it's great and it gives me lots of things to look forward to!
Well last week I was able to cross off a few in one trip!
Kevin and I were blessed enough to have a few days off (9 to be exact) and we ventured up to the New England area for some sight seeing, some wedding dancing and some unbelievable eating!
First stop... Boston!

Harvard...do I look smart sitting here? haha

Boston is one of those cities that you can get lost in the history, the beauty and the almost romantic atmosphere. You can take a stroll down to Harvard Square and see where all the brilliant minds migrate. You can take a walk by the river and get lost in how peaceful the area feels. You can hop in a taxi (way more expensive than NYC cabs) and head downtown where lights fill the trees and there's a variety of options for fun moments! Everything is pretty much walking distance and I wouldn't want it any other way. Walking down the streets allows you every opportunity to see Boston's amazingness (is that a word?).

And then there's Fenway... a Ballpark I've always wanted to visit! It's small but powerful. The fans are devoted and the presence is addictive! I've been a Red Sox fan for a while now and I can remember having conversations with my brother about wanting to visit Fenway and cheer the Sox. Well, it finally happened and the best part... they were playing the Yankees and they WON! It was everything I hoped for and more :)
Gorgeous city! I will return ... soon.
Next stop... New York City!
1 awesome remarks:
don't tell chris about your trip to boston and fenway! he'll be so jealous!! p.s. he wants me to learn to love the city as much as you both do because he'd like to move there one day...ehhh we'll see ;)
miss you and love you!
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