Okay from left to right in the picture above... Pauly D, JWOW, Sammi Sweatheart, Snooki, Ronnie and in the back Mike otherwise know as 'The Situation.'
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Jersey Shore - classic
Okay from left to right in the picture above... Pauly D, JWOW, Sammi Sweatheart, Snooki, Ronnie and in the back Mike otherwise know as 'The Situation.'
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, October 31, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween... New Orleans Style!
Four friends on a mission... trunk packed full of luggage and sleeping must haves... a grocery bag full of Sweet Tarts, Sprees and Bit O Honeys... and one 8 hour drive separating us from the party that is known as New Orleans!
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, October 28, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Aaron's Sermon
Marketing Coordinator
NC Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell
100 Caswell Beach Rd
Oak Island, NC 28465
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Taste of Atlanta 2010
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, October 24, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Flower clip surprise
So, one of my awesome co-workers and friends made me a sweet surprise this week...
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, October 21, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Last Stop... The Wedding!
Weddings are always fun!

The adorable couple, Dave and Danielle

Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Third Stop... Upstate!
Time for some relaxing moments in a little town called Goshen, NY.
The oldest horse track in America.

Webster taught here. Yes Webster, the guy who wrote the dictionary!
Last stop of the trip will be posted tomorrow :)
The Wedding!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Monday, October 18, 2010
Second Stop... The Big Apple
New York City!

Broadway... American Idiot... Amazing show!

Yea... I wasn't kidding about the candy part! We bought almost 3 pounds of candy from FAO Schwartz. And it was gone before we flew home, haha.

Posted by Shannon on Monday, October 18, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, October 17, 2010
First Stop... Red Sox Country!
I've always had some what of a bucket list for the things I want to do in my life time. The list grows more and more each day and I will say that it is quite lengthy already. This list consists of places I want to go, things I want to see and experiences I want to be a part of... it's great and it gives me lots of things to look forward to!

Harvard...do I look smart sitting here? haha

Boston is one of those cities that you can get lost in the history, the beauty and the almost romantic atmosphere. You can take a stroll down to Harvard Square and see where all the brilliant minds migrate. You can take a walk by the river and get lost in how peaceful the area feels. You can hop in a taxi (way more expensive than NYC cabs) and head downtown where lights fill the trees and there's a variety of options for fun moments! Everything is pretty much walking distance and I wouldn't want it any other way. Walking down the streets allows you every opportunity to see Boston's amazingness (is that a word?).

Posted by Shannon on Sunday, October 17, 2010 1 awesome remarks
Friday, October 15, 2010
The reality land of make-believe
Dreams can make you question so much. It's that battle between reality and make-believe... a hidden world created by what your mind has stirring around when you doze off. Sometimes dreams can be enlightening, giving you a twist on something that you've been struggling with or highlighting something that in the daytime may not stand out as much as it should. Feelings become more apparent as you dream about first dates or first kisses...dreams bring to light those hidden feeling that you may be too embarrassed to admit. But sometimes dreams can leave a somewhat bitter feeling when you awake from a long night's sleep...and that's where this blog comes in.
Posted by Shannon on Friday, October 15, 2010 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Happy Birthday Kevin
Happy Birthday to my amazing boyfriend!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, October 09, 2010 0 awesome remarks