Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, April 07, 2008

What's on the menu tonight?

The anticipation is raising for the Monday's Menu evening! Now, I'm not sure if I have mentioned these Monday rendezvous before so let me fill you in on the excitement that takes place each week.

One of the things that I missed so much when I moved to Atlanta was my close knit group of girls. In Nashville I was consistently surrounded by great Godly women who wanted to spend time together growing in God and growing in their friendships. My village group was my support system and it was so comforting to know that there were great friends surrounding me with love. Those ladies will never be replaced in my life because they hold such a firm grasp on my heart but, I needed something here in Atlanta that would fill the void of missing my Tennessee girls. And I believe God answered that prayer...

Monday's Menu is all about good friends, good conversation and GREAT food! Every Monday around 7 PM a few fabulous ladies get together and venture out to find a new restaurant in Atlanta that tickles the taste bubs. We try to go to places that none of us have been to so that we can experience them together. So far it's been unbelievable. We are three weeks in and here's where we've been so far...

Eclipse de Luna
Known for it's incredible tapas, artistic atmosphere and live music. We had an array of food that included Esparragos Asados, Calamares Fritos, Tomato Fresco, Hummus al Lemon, and Quesos Españoles(otherwise known as a cheese plate).

Once you walk through our door, you feel like you have stumbled upon the best-kept secret in the city. It's authentic Thai that is absolutely delicious. We all ordered different items and of course tried each others. We had Pad Thai with Shrimp and Chicken, Chicken Satay, Pad Med MaMuang and amazing Thai Tea.

Tonight we're going to Buckhead Italian Market and Bakery! I am so excited at tonight not only for the food but for the great conversation between this great group of women!

If you want to keep up with our tasty adventures visit our blog Monday's Menu

1 awesome remarks:

Allie Marie Photography said...

We're so glad you're here in ATL!! Mondays wouldn't be the same without you! :)