Some of you have never met my family so I thought I would give you a proper introduction...
This is my Dad...but better known as my Diddy!
This is my Mama. She hates pictures but I managed to sneak this one in over the weekend:)
And this everyone is my brother...yes we look nothing alike! We get that all the time!
So there you have it...My wonderful family!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, August 31, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Silly Girl, Pretty Girl
Yes the title is a David Ryan Harris song and he did sing that to me at the concert despite what others think... the ring on his finger means nothing, haha!
My week had been a little stressful dealing with the hole in my ceiling, the chaotic state my room is in, packing for the beach and trying to fit all the last minute details in to my life. That is why Thursday night was the perfect little get away from all my stress. Everything was fabulous(I know I used that word a lot in my last blog about the night but it really was). I got to spend time with great friends listening to great music! I know I promised you all pictures so here are a few from the evening.
Do you ever feel like you're right were you're supposed to be! Well right now, I know Atlanta is where I'm supposed to be!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, August 30, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday's Menu on Wednesday
Well, here it is ladies! It's what we've all been waiting for since May...The return of Monday's Menu! Oh Yes, there will be restaurant discussion along with photos and awesome moments from the night. Basically I have to make up for lost time, ha!
Wednesday evening we, meaning Allie, Katie, Megan and myself along with two newbies, headed down to midtown to eat at this little popular place called 'Straits.' Yes it could be considered an oxymoron but still it was classy and sophisticated! I'd give it a 8 for overall, ha!
It was so great to get the group back together after a chaotic summer of travels and events. There was so much to discuss over Kung Pow Lolliopops and lemongrass mint soda. We laughed over untold moments from summer and just recent events that sparked giggling.
Here are just a few of the many photos from the evening:
It was an awesome night and we are looking to have many more:)
Posted by Shannon on Friday, August 29, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I love ATL
This is going to be short and sweet because I need to be sleeping, like NOW...
Tonight was awesome!
I'll recap for you:
Saw David Ryan Harris and he sang 'Pretty Girl' to me.
John Mayer showed up and decided to play a little(awesome).
Had a fabulous dinner with fabulous conversation with a fabulous guy:)
Danced it up with April and Jen at The Loft.
Got to see Nathan and Noah which is always a favorite.
Went to Maxim Prime which overlooks the city. It's absolutely gorgeous!
Ran in to Chystina and Jayce(love them).
Stayed up entirely too late but it was one of the best nights I've had in ATL!
I'll post some pictures tomorrow to show you all the fun.
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, August 28, 2008 4 awesome remarks
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Bright Sadness
During the season of Lent we ran across this phrase, “The Bright Sadness.” Immediately our ears perked up, as we dove into all the different meanings of these beautiful words stuck together so oddly, so oppositely. The phrase made me think and feel. It also slowly began to encompass something I had been starting to experience in my heart about my own life. Sadness, trial and the aching of this earth are not detached from the bright, resurrecting hope of God. These two ideas actually hold hands very easily and should walk together intertwined always, shamelessly. There are many awe-striking moments on this broken, beautiful planet, but there are also moments that make us feel out of control and weak. These “out of control” moments do not detach us from God. In a deeper sense, they may even knit us to his heart and life. Christ is the brightness in every ounce of life. He is the greatest power in this universe and will fill us to walk through every moment.
I love the church, the wife of God, the way God uses to touch the earth. As I grew up I looked at the church as the group of people who were perfect and had it together. I’m older now and have attempted and failed for long enough to fit into this image. We are ordinary, broken, beautiful people who have the common ground of clinging to God daily for sustenance. We believe in new beginnings, redemption, renovation and overcoming for ourselves, as well as those around us, because of the bright savior and teacher, Jesus and we want to offer this hope life to the world around us.
So this collection of songs is some of the spiritual journaling of my last few years. It comes from me understanding my ordinary human condition and my deep love for Jesus and the life he brings along in Him. I do not love and believe these things because of citizenship, my role or title in the church or because I am supposed to. I believe this because I have felt my own humanity and my need to be in touch again with my creator. The Bright Sadness is the accepting of the brokenness in myself and in the world around me but always intertwining the overarching thought of Christ’s closeness, his free fellowship, his redemption and compassion, His Brightness.
~ Charlie Hall
Go get his CD today!!
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A moon roof
Just when you think everything is in order and all is dandy, your ceiling falls in, literally!
You're thinking, "Shannon what are you talking about?"
Well, last night I noticed a leak in the ceiling near my bedroom window. The wall seemed to be saturated and the paint was starting to bubble from the water draining behind it. I put down some towels and moved all the things away from the window in case the leak grew to a stream or gush, you know!
This morning everything looked the same, no real change in the shape or size of the leak so I ventured off to work. I sent a friendly email to the landlords to let them know about the situation at hand...figured they'd want to get a jump on fixing it!
Well let's just say we didn't jump fast enough!
I just got an informative email from them saying "the water saturated the drywall on the ceiling causing it to fall in." Oh NO, not good! Not good at all...
Apparently due to the torrential down pour this morning, my ceiling caved in. The drywall gave and left a rather nice opening for me to look through when I arrive home tonight.
I mean, I've always wanted a moon roof but this is ridiculous! So much for cleaning my room yesterday, ha!
11:30 PM - night of the tragedy...So I don't usually add on to blogs but I wanted all of you to see what I was talking about...
Now would that be considered a moon roof or a sun roof?
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3 awesome remarks
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's a map
I bought a wall map for my office! Yes a United States wall map...
...and you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this!
Well the reason is, I am super excited about getting to work tomorrow, hanging my wall map and placing tacts on the places I've been all over the US of A:)
Sad? Yes but I am super giddy about my $10 purchase which will
A. Bring me great happiness
B. Complete my office decorations
C. give me something to talk about at work tomorrow! is good!
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, August 24, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dear Sabastian
Dear Sabastian (that's my Montero Sport),
The past six years have been amazing. We have made so many memories together - countless road trips to the beach, the mountains, distant cities, and back home again. You've been with me for every stop sign, traffic jam, constuction zone and pothole. We've had our run in with the cops (2 speeding tickets and a seatbelt ticket to which I still plead "innocent") as well. You've been the best ride I've had in years.
However, the past few months have left much to be desired. You haven't been as dependable as you usually are. You've never left me stranded on the side of the road, but you've come close a few times. You make funny noises - you just don't sound the same anymore. And, let's be honest, things that should go up - don't (your antenna). I know it's embaressing not only for me but for you as well.
To put it bluntly, and in the most kind way possible, I feel like our relationship is coming to an end and I'm looking for other options. I hope you don't feel like I'm neglecting you, but I promise you'll find someone else.
All the best,
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, August 23, 2008 3 awesome remarks
Friday, August 22, 2008
Buckhead Music Project
Ask and you shall receive!
Remember yesterday when I was rambling on and on discussing my thoughts out loud dealing with reaching out to the community of Buckhead?
...yes I know it was a rather long post but, I was caught up in the moment...
Well Jeff Henderson sent me a link to something amazing! Amazingly Amazing! It bascially captured what I was hoping to do when I was talking about heading in to local coffee shops and hot shots in the area.
Check out this video with Carlos and Jeff talking about this new endeavor called the Buckhead Music Project:
Now that's going out in to the community. Sign me up!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, August 22, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Who wants to go with me?
What are a few terms to describe Christians in Atlanta?
"I think Christians are non-tolerant, narrow minded and hypocritical people!"
That's a pretty strong statement huh? Well that is a statement made by a guy at the Peachtree Tavern in Buckhead. Now before you start getting defensive about his statement, let me set this story up for you:
Monday night, Jim Kimball (author of the book 'They like Jesus but not the Church') went out to a local hangout spot in Buckhead (Peachtree Tavern). Jim is from California and was in town to speak at 722 Tuesday night, so he wanted to go out into the community to get a feel for the area. Knowing that he would probably run into non-believers, he carried a note pad and pen so he could ask that very question above and document the responses.
He approached three guys in the bar and asked them if they would answer few questions for a book he was writing about the church. They agreed to listen and answer and that is where the statement above came from. All three guys actually used the word hypocritical when answering the question.
After talking with the guys for a few minutes he asked the question "Have you ever heard of Buckhead Church?" All three said No! So Jim decided to ask a few more people this same question. He asked four more people in the Tavern if they had heard of Buckhead Church. The results showed that 7 out of the 7 he asked had never heard of Buckhead Church. Now, for those of you not in Atlanta, Buckhead Church is only about a mile from Peachtree Tavern...
My heart broke as I was listening to Jim tell this story at 722. Knowing that people in our community have never heard of our church and feel that Christians are narrow minded and hypocritical...that's a punch to the stomach right there. It hurts because it tells me that we're not doing enough! We are not reaching out enough. Not just Buckhead Church, because Jim could have mentioned any church and gotten the same response, but just we as Christians in general.
It makes me wonder if we (the church, all churches) have gotten so wrapped with our stages, lights and talented musicians, that we've missed the whole part about evangelism. You know reaching out to those who need to hear about Jesus. Letting them know about our Savior and the forgiveness and grace that he gives. Telling them about faith and showing them how to love like He did. Explaining that Jesus died for their sins...that He gives living water and if they give their life to Him they will never thirst again. All of that is way more important than a building and sound board.
I just want to run to the highest building in Buckhead and scream to the top of my lungs "Jesus loves you." I want to walk into the local coffee shops and start conversations, open up the doors of communication, pour into the people of my community. I don't want to hand out tracks or scare people to Jesus by telling them they're going to Hell if they're not in church. I want to POUR in to people. Hear their story, learn about their goals and dreams, offer them a listening ear, invite them to lunch, to events, to church, make a difference! I want to set the world on fire...on fire for Him...for Jesus!
I want to get rid of this negative image that people have of Christians! I want to make so that everyone has heard of the local church! I want to change lives and encourage hearts.
Who wants to go with me?
... Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
~1 Peter 3:15
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, August 21, 2008 3 awesome remarks
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fire Proof
No one really believes me when I tell them that I have a friend who eats fire. It's not one of those everyday jobs but I seriously do have a wonderful friend who is fire proof.
Her name is Lindsey and she is one of the blessings in my life. Lindsey has an amazing heart for God and uses her fire eating talent to send a message. You ask, What message is that, danger? No...
Lindsey has had several opportunities to travel with tours and artists bringing her fire eating ability in to the mix of sharing the Gospel. We call it creative evangelism and it's a simple strategy of bringing in elements that will reach our youth in today's society. When you look around at our kids today there is such a variety. You have the skater kids, the punk kids, the goth kids, the hip hop kids, etc. When you have such an eclectic group of youth, it's best to play into their interests. This is why adding things like BMX bikes and fire eating attract those kids that we're praying to reach!
So pray for Lindsey as God uses her to reach what some thought were the unreachable!
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 2 awesome remarks
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Talk about fake
I'm at a loss right now...
You see, this past weekend we went on a hunt, a BIG hunt!
Brock, Auny, Lindsey and I were on a mission to find Big Foot's relatives since Big Foot was reported to be "Found" last week by two Georgia men up in the Georgia mountains near Blairsville. We looked everywhere...over the mountains and through the woods, Grandmother's house, the local antique shops, this amazing little Italian restaurant and even the Holiday Inn express. Sadly, we came up empty handed.
We were bummed, thinking we hadn't looked hard enough or searched long enough until this report crossed my desk this morning:
Can you believe that? I feel a little betrayed. I feel like someone just told me there was no Santa Claus... wait what? ...there's no Santa Claus? Arghhh Stab to the heart again!
Well the only bright side I see is that if Big Foot was not found then that means he's still out there:)
Who wants to go hunting??
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 3 awesome remarks
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dance or Die!
Tomorrow is the BIG day! The one we've all been waiting for since their first album dropped!
Yep, tomorrow is the much anticipated release of family force 5's sophomore record titled "Dance or Die".
Thanks to my good friend Brock, I have had the chance to listen to it for the past few days and I must say, It ROCKS...but I expected nothing less than that from these amazing guys, ha!
If you've never heard of Family Force 5 then your a few years behind but, there is always time to catch up! Here's a little description: "A phoenix rising from the ashes of the Dirty South, Family Force 5 creates a lethal mix of punk, rock, funk and mind-altering grooves that's guaranteed ghetto music straight from the heart, cut with a healthy dose of fried grits." They pack one of the best live performances ever and I'll admit, I'd drive miles upon miles to be a part of their show:)
You must check them out! Oh and you have to buy the new CD, Dance or Die
Posted by Shannon on Monday, August 18, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Friday, August 15, 2008
Big Foot Found in the Blue Ridge Mountains
Look what we did tonight...
Posted by Shannon on Friday, August 15, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Let me tell you about someone...
He is a great friend. He loves adventure and anything that could potentially be know, swords, razor blades, dirt bikes, backyard zip lines... he has a passion for Chocolate and a hobby called FOOD, good food! Thai food, Mediterranean food, Indian food, Mexican food, Turkish food, basically anything un-Americanized... well except for Cajun food but he cooks that himself in this magic little box called the Cajun Cooker! Let me tell ya, it's the best food you'll ever eat.
He lives at this amazing little place that we've renamed Gypsy Land! It has everything you need for social gatherings...good food, a stone bonfire pit, a gigantic slip-n-slide, a frightening zip line, dirt bikes and this little Chihuahua that barks ferociously when you drive up. It's way better that Six Flags and Disney world, I promise.
Some described him as "sick" but not because he has a cold or some form of disease, but because he is unbelievably talented. He has a mystery about him that leaves you with so many questions like "how the heck did he do that? Did you see him bend that key in his hand? Did he really just make that storm calm?" No, he's not a body builder and he's not the Messiah...He's an illusionist! A Christian illusionist at that.
Please Don't Freak out on Me and The Miracles Tour are two of his brand new shows. He does some crazy things that will definitely leave your mind wondering and you on the edge of your seat. Here's a good way to describe it... Take some illusions paired up with a few dangerous stunts, add in some "laughing till you pee your pants" humor, followed by a message based on the greatest story ever told and you have a Brock Gill show!
So how many of you knew who I was talking about before I revealed, haha??
Check out what people are saying about my friend Brock... Let's Rock the Desert
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, August 14, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wanted: Friend-sitter
In need of a friend sitter this Thursday and Friday night for a 24-year old athletic trainer...Someone to entertain my friend while I'm out of town for the weekend!
Must love to pay for things like dinner, on-demand movies, concerts, occasional articles of clothing such as jeans from Buckle or sweat pants from Dick's Sporting Goods. Must have an incredible sense of humor and must be able to tolerate intense sarcasm. Needs to be willing to break out into some ghetto dance moves when "Apple Bottom Jeans" plays in the car or can at least attempt to dance(no dance history required but recommended).
If you are interested in helping out please feel free to contact me with your past friend sitting abilities and credentials. Easiest way to apply is to leave a comment! But hurry this opportunity will be snatched up quickly.
***This could potentially lead to more friend sitting jobs in the future***
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2 awesome remarks
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dinner time fun!
Fun things to do while waiting for dinner to arrive...tested by yours truly!
List all 50 states in under two minutes(it's harder than you think)
Challenge wars...challenge your dinner guests to crazy things. Example: "I bet you won't go ask the waiter for his number!"
Write DEATH on all the Splenda and Sweet-n-Low packets to remind the next table that sits down that these items are unhealthy! Drink water people!!!
Have a complete conversation about cheese. Saying the words Gouda and Gorgonzola will make anyone laugh.
Try to eat 6 Saltine crackers in two minutes without drinking can't be done, I promise, but it's hilarious to watch.
Spit balls are always a crowd favorite.
Oh and lastly, there's this coaster game where you flip it off the side of the table and catch it. It takes skill so next time you see me just ask and I'll show you:)
Do you have any creative things for waiting patiently for dinner?
Posted by Shannon on Monday, August 11, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Change the laugh
It all makes us feel better and it's contagious. We use it to express joy, sometimes it's associated with awkward moments and it can be one of those things that makes a room full of bitterness turn upside down. When I think about laughing I can remember all these times in my life where I've laughed so hard that tears appeared or times where I was completely upset but someone in the room laughed and I immediately had a giggle.
I feel like there are people that have distinct laughs. You know, where you can here it a room a say "That's Josh laugh" or "That laugh sounds so much like Megan's." Tonight at dinner we had a discussion on laughter. Brent, a friend from NC, brought up the fact that he wanted a different laugh... a distinct one that was memorable. He has been trying to change the way he laughs and I don't think that's possible. He thought about closing his eyes when he laughed or throwing his head back and chuckling. It made me think about the way I laugh. It was so funny watching the five of us, trying to laugh differently but ending up laughing hysterically at each other with the same laugh we were born with.
We tired laughing like Tigger...and that was pretty ridiculous. We threw in the Pillsbury Dough Boy laugh for kicks. We even tried the sophisticated laugh where you just laugh basically one time in a deep voice, "HA." (You definitely need to hear it to fully appreciate it:) Oh we also thought about picking a specific laugh and using it through an entire conversation. That was funny too.
It's amazing the fun you can have with laughing. Have you ever tired to change your laugh? And if so, does it make you laugh more trying to laugh differently, hahahaha??
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, August 10, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, August 09, 2008
classy to trashy!
I have realized that my life is so much fun, ha! I always seem to end up on these adventures and every night is an experience. Last night was one of those awesome adventures that took me all around the city of Atlanta, literally!
I got off work yesterday and I was little worn out. Honestly, I could have grab a blanket at 5:30 PM, put in "51 Dates" and fallen asleep to the sound of Adam Sandler trying to be Hawaiian, but I didn't. You see, I had agreed earlier in the week to go see my friend Noah's band play at a little place in 5 points and I try to never break promises, so at 7:30 PM the adventure began. I met some friends(Mal, Jen, Nathan, Wade) for dinner at one of my favorite places in town, Eclipse De Luna! Dinner was great, conversation was great, tapas were AMAZING and the best part, besides the black bean hummus, was even though the wait was an hour and half, somehow I managed to walk in, request a table, work some magic and get seated immediately...haha, Big Time,ha(not quite). But what a great way to start off an unforgettable evening.After dinner we ventured off toward downtown but we still had about an hour to kill before heading to the show so Nathan and Wade decided to take us somewhere I've never been...the top of the Westin. I know I'm about to sound real touristy but bear with me...You can see the WHOLE city from up there. It was absolutely gorgeous! I could see Turner Field, The Georgia Dome and The Bank of America building which is my favorite building to see at night. I was like a little kid seeing the gates of Disney World for the first time. While there, I learned a little history, had a few laughs and felt very ritzy sitting 72 stories above downtown ATL!
Funny things I must document for my memory sake(you may not get theses but just ask and I'll tell you what they all refer to)...
The use of the word intimate...parking decks...fruit punch...pineapple's effects on skin...electric fireplace...Lucky street...a little trashy...bullet proof vests on carriage rides...streets you should never go on...graffiti tunnels...revolving rooms!
OK now back to the night...
After our roof top experience at the Westin, feeling like royalty we headed over to 5 points where we definitely went from classy to trashy in about 5 minutes. You see, the place Noah was playing reminded me of some of the venues I had been to in college. Dirty, loud, sticky floors but completely awesome. The bands playing were the classic grungy fellows with bed head and wrinkled clothes. The audience was a mixture of slightly drunk college kids and somewhat preppy adults. A true memory worth documenting:) We rocked out the sounds of Rantings of Eva and I must say it was great to see Noah in his element, playing bass without a care in the world and looking like a rock star!
We had a blast touring the city, feeling glamorous, listening to some rock n roll in a trashy heaven and just experiencing all of what the city of Atlanta has to offer!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, August 09, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Friday, August 08, 2008
5 places at once
If you could be in 5 places at once where would you be right now?
For me it would be...
1. Sitting on my parent's front porch in North Carolina watching my puppies Cambi and Arley run around the yard. A glass of Mama's sweet tea in one hand and a banana sandwich in the other. Waving to my dad as he drives by on a tractor and getting ready for a game a catch with my 6-year niece, Summer.
2. On a plane to Texas with Brock and Auny headed towards Rock the Desert! Two days hanging out with Family Force 5 & the Newsboys pretty much beats sitting on my couch watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
3. In New York City with Kim getting all dressed up to go see a Broadway show or just to walk downtown the streets of Manhattan.
4. Seattle...for many reasons:)
5. Sitting on top of Vespers at Fort Caswell while listening to the sound of the guitar and breathing in the ocean air. Being completely surrounded by my closest friends and being able to feel that little touch a love all around me!
Where would you be?
Posted by Shannon on Friday, August 08, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Life has been funny lately!
Funny sayings of the week(most of them you had to be there for)...
"Crunch away from me"
"Scooters weren't meant for little people, what?"
"I'm here to claim my prize"
"Have you seen Finding Nemo? Volleyball practice reminds me of the seagulls in that movie! I've heard the word 'Mine' like 800 times...I'm going crazy"
"That's the only time in history that I've ever heard of the pastor running into the back of the hearse during the procession line"
"I learned this from a fat guy I used to work with at Publix..."
"Would a love for Strawberries be classified as an addiction or a guilty pleasure?"
"I love gangster movies. I watched American Gangster for my quiet time this morning"
Haha...I promise they were funny at the time!
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, August 07, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Category WT
For the past two days, while driving to and from work I have been listening to talking on the radio more than music. I used to hate it when there was nothing on to listen to and I've pretty much resorted to the Ipod and CDs because of all the radio mumbo jumbo. But for some reason I have really enjoyed the topic of conversation for the past two days.
Yesterday while driving home the topic of conversation was "what makes people White Trash?" They had people calling in with all there WT moments and it was very amusing to hear all these creative ways to have fun. One guy asked if tying a rope to a mattress and dragging four people around a bonfire for fun consisted of being White Trash...I said no because I used to do fun things like that all the time growing up. Another caller mentioned that she had a toilet in her front yard that was being used as flower pot. Hummm I have to admit that one is probably a little WT.
I brought up this concept up at lunch today with a few co-workers in hopes of getting opinions on what WT meant to them. We came up with a few collective thoughts but nothing that really defined it for me so I turned to Wikepedia. Their definition reads a little like this...
White trash is a pejorative term targeted at lower social class white people with poor prospects and/or low levels of education. To call someone white trash is to accuse a white person of being economically, educationally and/or culturally bankrupt. White trash should be differentiated from the more socially acceptable term Redneck, as each has an unique historical etymology and context in modern usage. While white trash is most commonly used as a pejorative, low- to middle-income rural whites often self-identify as rednecks.
Totally a mouth full!
It's interesting the terms that we use these days to categorize people. We throw out these labels like Redneck, White Trash, Ghetto, Snobby, etc... but when we step back and actually think about it, these terms refer to all of us in some way or another.
All of us have a redneck/white trash side, I mean who hasn't played in the mud or sat around a bonfire or gone sledding on some object besides a sled. All hands should be down because I know you've done at least one of these.
We all have a ghetto side! Hands up if you like to break it down on the dance floor or talk in some sort of slang or order chicken wings to your heart's content... my hand was raised for all of those.
And a snobby side...oh boy do we all have that one! I'm not even going to touch that category... but we can all be a little snobby at times!
I think that placing a term on something we've done or something we do should be embraced not made fun of! I'm proud that I've had countless WT moments, memorable redneck adventures, plenty of ghetto fabulous nights and I'm even proud of my snobbiness even though that one I keep under raps most of the time, haha!
So who else wants to embrace their so-called "category?"
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, August 06, 2008 2 awesome remarks
Monday, August 04, 2008
I was in the spot light!
Here's an article written about me for NAMB's Staff Spotlight...
Shannon White
She wears the closest thing to a permanent smile and has dozens of friends who know people—famous people. One weekend she might spend in Panama City, the next in a large backyard in Nashville screaming down a zip line.
With seemingly no regard for gas prices and giving very little heed to what makes up a civilized good time, Shannon White, weekend warrior and ministry assistant for NAMB's Communications Team, also has a heart for students.
This summer she spent about a month with hundreds of them helping call them to Christ, to service, to missions, to serious discipleship.
"I believe the children are our future," she says, without the slightest hint of irony.
So when she's not hanging out with illusionists, musicians, NAMB staff, otherwise famous people, or removing seats from unlocked vans, you can bet she's out there helping save the world and its future.
For her latest plans to assist Brock Gill in noble causes, visit
I feel famous, Oh so famous, haha! And Adam actually made me sound a little like Micheal Jackson...scary but fun stuff huh?
Posted by Shannon on Monday, August 04, 2008 2 awesome remarks
Sunday, August 03, 2008
A story of Grace...
There have been countless sermons that have spoken directly to my soul since I began my walk with the Lord. I have heard great speakers talk about great things in great churches all over the United States. I’ve heard many stories of how people’s lives were changed but none quite like the one I heard today!
It was the story of a 22 year old girl named Ashley narrated by Louie Giglio. I would love to be able to tell you the story from memory but even if I typed out the entire thing it would never be as powerful as the way Louie presented it tonight. It was a story of grace and a story that brought tears streaming down my face. I'd love to go in to more detail but I feel like you should hear it for yourself...
So if you’re at work grab your earphones, if you’re at home turn up the volume on your computer speakers and if you tear up easily grab a box of tissues…I promise you’ll need ‘em…
Louie Giglio - Home Free, Even Me @ Northpoint Community Church (click message titled Fruitcake and Ice Cream)
How powerful is God!?
With one person praying consistently and loving the way Christ did and one God more powerful than anything, it took 14 days for one heart to be transformed from not believing at all to getting it! God loves all no matter what we have done, said, expressed or lived. He takes us as is, all our fears and failures…He gives us grace. Our God is Mighty to Save!!
Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
A kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
My Savior
He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, August 03, 2008 1 awesome remarks
Saturday, August 02, 2008
A lake day
I woke up this morning a little earlier than usual for a Saturday. If I had my choice, I would have slept till 2PM to make up for the lack of sleep lately but that wasn't the case today...As I stretched and yawned while getting out of bed, the thought that it would be an eventful day never crossed my mind... I was wrong!
It all began with a field trip to Holly Springs with Jen followed by lunch with April and Aaryn in Woodstock. It was so great to sit and hear all about April's Brazil adventures, Aaryn's time in South Africa and the Philippines and just catching up on all the ministry opportunities we've all been a part of lately. I shared a little about Parties with a Purpose and hopefully within the next month or so April and I can put together a party here in Atlanta!
After lunch, I received a call that made the day perfect. My friend Nathan called with an invite to the Lake. Now in North Carolina we don't have lakes, we have rivers and we take full advantage of being on the river with boats and jet skis and all sorts of water activities! But what I quickly discovered is that in Georgia, being on the lake is the same thing. Nathan, Noah and friends picked Jen and I up on the boat. We went cruising around for a bit ending up in this little spot that can only be described as a Redneck Yacht Club. Let me see if I can describe this so you can fully grasp what I'm saying.... picture about 30 boats (pontoon boats, speed boats, normal sized boats, etc) all anchored in a hidden little nook on the lake. People in rafts, tubes, life vests, etc. floating beside the boats with music blaring and the ones of age kicking back with all sorts of alcoholic beverages. It was quite amusing and I'm kicking myself for not snapping a shot.
We anchored as well near the shore and went for a swim. Noah created this very interesting floatation device he calls a life diaper... basically what you do is put your legs inside the arm holes of a life vest and it fits on you like a diaper so you can float around. It was Classic!
We took out the jet skis which was awesome. Although, I lost my earring because someone decided to fling me off the jet ski like a flailing monkey falling from a tree! Thanks friend.
There were conversations about decks and other crazy unmentionable topics. We laughed so much and just relaxed under the sunshine. Nathan describe it as being in his happy place! I did manage to get a picture of that...
Oh did I mention we almost got caught in a tornado on the river? But I mean, Jen and I always seem to attract natural disasters so it was no big deal, haha!
We ended the day with a late night movie with some friends! One of the best worst movies I've ever seen...A TV movie called Category 7. You must see it!
Such a good day! I wish everyday was a lake day:)
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, August 02, 2008 0 awesome remarks
Friday, August 01, 2008
Passion Church
Are they rumors or are we about to embark on something amazing!
Well, read and watch for yourself...
Buckhead Church's Blog
Carlos Whittaker's Blog
I am totally excited and impatient about when all this will take place!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, August 01, 2008 0 awesome remarks